
Title: Impaccable
Release date: Dunno, got to look it up (1991?)
Audio: MSX-Audio (mono)
Remarks: The original music was composed in FAC Soundtracker. Most of the background noise is caused by the samples used by the composer. If only they turned off their monitor while recording those samples...
01.Powerrun.Intro.mp3 546KB
02.BDD.Intro 2.mp3 909KB
03.BDD.Standard Scroll BGM.mp3 1878KB
04.BDD.Castle Music.mp3 1190KB
05.BDD.Copy Is Crime Part 1.mp3 1582KB
06.Wingman.Waterbeddenkoning Reclame.mp3 1047KB
07.BDD.Copy Is Crime Part 2.mp3 1786KB
08.BDD.ED209.mp3 1221KB
09.BDD.Ending.mp3 2474KB


Title: The Ant
Release date: Dunno, got to look it up (1992?)
Audio: MSX-Audio/ MSX-Music (semi-stereo)
Remarks: These tracks are composed in Moonblaster. When I bought this demo I was the second person to get it, the disks are numbered (at least mine is). When I talked to Impact they said they hated composing in Moonblaster, but it was the only composed available that could do it at that time (excluding XelaSoft's composer, but that wasn't a great success). It was the last release of this group, which was sad...

Most of the music is taken from a running demo, and these guys must have had some trouble with some routines, because the music is sometimes slowed down by some routine (propably when they move data from Ram to VRam).
01.BDD.Intro.mp3 5962KB
02.Wingman.The Ant House Part.mp3 6223KB
03.BDD.Music Fly Bij BGM.mp3 3525KB
04.BDD.Member Profile BGM.mp3 8787KB
05.Airborne.All That She Wants.mp3 4152KB
06.Powerrun.Impact Preview.mp3 4596KB
07.BDD.ED214 Introduction.mp3 6061KB
08.BDD.ED214 Calculations.mp3 3442KB
09.BDD.ED214 III.mp3 770KB
10.BDD.ED214 ED In Space.mp3 2553KB
11.BDD.ED214 ED In Space 2.mp3 1762KB
12.BDD.Trash.mp3 956KB
13.BDD.The End.mp3 6246KB


Title: Impact Musix Disk 4
Release date: 1992
Audio: MSX-Audio (mono)
Remarks: Not their greatest release, but it's part of their history. Tracks composed in FAC Soundtracker 2.0. Propably could be played by the MSX-Music but that would suck anyway.
01.BDD.Theme 5.mp3 1858KB
02.Metalslave.Shotgun.mp3 1893KB
03.BDD.Pulsar.mp3 1560KB
04.Powerrun.Koopaakaabaanaa.mp3 1881KB
05.BDD.Dragon's Legend.mp3 1878KB
06.Powerrun.Powerrun Theme.mp3 1901KB
07.Wingman.Impact200.mp3 1827KB
08.Snakebyte.The Phantastic Four.mp3 704KB
09.BDD.BDD Powerrun Theme 2.mp3 1789KB
10.Wingman.Etheridge.mp3 1445KB
11.Powerrun.Mr Bonesey Bites The Dust.mp3 1629KB
12.Wingman.Impact201.mp3 1900KB
13.BDD.Ending 5.mp3 1672KB


Title: Impact Musix Disk 5
Release date: 1992
Audio: MSX-Audio (mono)
Remarks: Tracks composed in FAC Soundtracker 2.0. This disk was a bit quick & dirty. Player sucks (nothing to see, just 4 buttons) and almost all of BDD's tracks don't have proper names.
01.Powerrun.Pippolos House.mp3 1774KB
02.Powerrun.Impact & Western.mp3 1540KB
03.Powerrun.It's A Sony.mp3 1861KB
04.Powerrun.Happy Birthday.mp3 1898KB
05.BDD.Ending 3.2.mp3 2168KB
06.BDD.BDD301.mp3 1902KB
07.BDD.BDD403.mp3 1834KB
08.BDD.BDD325.mp3 1899KB
09.BDD.BDD321.mp3 1818KB
10.BDD.Runner.mp3 1875KB
11.Mirage.Visual Illusion.mp3 3861KB
12.Wingman.Solitude.mp3 2136KB


Title: Impact SCC Musix Disk 1
Release date: 1992
Audio: SCC (mono)
Remarks: Tracks composed in
BDD.BDD Theme 2.mp3 768KB
BDD.BDD Theme 3.mp3 723KB
BDD.BDDSCC2.mp3 1084KB
BDD.Claura.mp3 497KB
BDD.Hoekig.mp3 977KB
BDD.Impact23.mp3 1173KB
BDD.Intro.mp3 841KB
BDD.Kroket's Theme.mp3 452KB
BDD.Metal500.mp3 632KB
BDD.MirroSCC.mp3 545KB
BDD.Outrun.mp3 1445KB
BDD.Sidmon.mp3 723KB
BDD.The Show Must Go On.mp3 843KB